How it all works

Broadband, internet, Wi-Fi – it's all the same, right?

Full Fibre

(Fibre to the Premises)

This is a fibre cable all the way to your home from the data centres and exchanges (the internet hubs). This is the number one way to be connected the internet:

  • Reliable
  • Operates at the speed of light
  • Capable of speeds way in excess of what is used today
  • A modern technology for your modern life
How Full Fibre Works

Fake Fibre

Fake Fibre takes a fibre cable up to the green cabinet on the street side, but from there it uses the same old copper landline cable that's decades old.

See full fibre

Full Fibre

Full Fibre takes a fibre cable all the way from the data centres and exchanges straight into your home; connecting your life to the internet at lightning fast speeds.

Ultimate WiFi

A seamless, simple, and secure way to manage your home Wi-Fi experience.