I already have fibre, what is the difference between what you offer?

It is a common misconception that people believe they have Fibre already. Unfortunately many packages claim to be Fibre, but in essence they are copper last mile, served over legacy networks built several decades ago. Checkout our guide on the How It Works page. Gigabit IQ use Full Fibre technology from our own network that we have built as well as from other network providers. This Full Fibre is to your home, and is called FTTP (Fibre To The Premise). FTTP does not have speed limitations, and can serve multi-Gigabit networks. If you think you have Fibre from your provider, ask your current provider if you can get 1Gbps, if they say no, and the maximum speed is 80Mbps, then most likely you have FTTC (fibre to the cabinet, and copper last mile to your premise).